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Tender Announcement, Specification
08.09.2021 Tender Announcement, Specification

Description of the Work to be Done:

It is the roof insulation work of the 1640 m² Terminal Building of Bodrum Cruise Port. The material to be used for the application is pure polyurea waterproofing coating and aliphatic pu topcoat. Application Detail:

• The slate membrane insulation material on the existing floor should be removed and the rubble should be discarded. • Closing the openings in the joints of the windowsills on the parapet walls will be made with MS polymer mastic.

• The ceramic coated area should be removed and discarded. Transferring the roof water to the field concrete with PVC pipes, by providing four main slopes with a sloped instead, by placing at least 6 strainers with a horizontal outlet of 70 mm in diameter in addition to the existing strainers. The slope will be concrete type C20 without any gross additives. For waterproofing, the concrete surface will be made with a thin tray glaze.

• Cracks that may occur after pouring the slope concrete will be opened in the form of "v" and repaired with epoxy repair mortar. Priming cannot be done without removing the surface grout of the discarded slope concrete. The most solid surface is obtained by removing the cement grout from the ground with minimum dust with machine and industrial vacuum cleaners.

• During the installation of the strainers, they should be covered with MS polymer mastics. Strainers should be with waterproofing mesh according to the selected type. In addition, a leaf holder apparatus shall not be attached to the filters.

• Concrete relative humidity will be measured before the primer. Concrete that removes its relative humidity will be epoxy primed. Then, silica sandblasting will be done to 1.5 – 2.0 kg/m². Drying takes place after 8-10 hours, and solid priming will be completed by sweeping. 350 gr/m² epoxy primer will be used.

• Corner joints should be chamfered with MS polymer mastic.

• Two layers of waterproofing will be made with pure polyurea two-component waterproofing product. It will be applied by applying with Rakel. • Top coat of aliphatic pu protector will be applied. 150 gr/m² consumption.

• Terrace polyurethane application area is 1640 m². The delivery time of the work is determined as an average of 20 working days depending on the weather conditions. Concrete dehumidification time is included in this period.

• The bituminous insulation material in the three roof streams on the oval roof should be removed and polyurethane waterproofing should be applied. Your surface here should be well cleaned and polyurea and aliphatic pu protector should be made.

• MS polymer sealant applications at the additional junction points of the sheet on the oval roof should be completed.

After the operations to be carried out, a 5-year warranty period is requested from the contractor company against waterproofing.

3 stamped and signed reference letters are requested from the companies that will enter the tender.

The Payment Plan has been created as 25% in Advance, 25% at the End of the Work, and the remaining 50% as 3 months maturity. End of Work is determined as the date when the parties agree to complete the work. In addition, the starting date of the maturity period starts with the delivery period of the work. A letter of guarantee equal to 25% of the work to be done is requested from the contractor company that won the tender. (valid for 1 year)

The tender will be made in the form of a closed envelope. You must deliver your bid and other requested documents to our company in a sealed (sealed) sealed envelope, by hand or by courier, until 17.09.2021 at the latest.

After the decision made by our commission, the information of the companies that participated in the tender and won the tender will be published on our website on 20.09.2021.

Bodrum Cruise Port Operations Inc.

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